Thursday, July 18, 2024

Forever Grateful

Once upon a time, there was a young boy whose father passed away when he was very young. His family was not well off, and his mother struggled to make ends meet. Despite the hardships, she worked tirelessly as a maid in multiple homes, determined to provide her son with an education. Her hands were often raw and calloused from the work, but her spirit remained unbroken.

One evening, as the mother returned home late, exhausted from a long day, her son met her at the door. "Aai, you must be so tired," he said, his voice filled with concern.

She smiled softly, brushing a hand through his hair. "I'm tired, yes, but seeing you succeed gives me all the strength I need, my son."

Through her relentless efforts, the boy graduated from college and began searching for a job. He was driven by his mother's sacrifices and wanted to make her proud. Soon, he was gainfully employed and eventually got married. Everything seemed to be going well for him.

Seeing her son settled, the mother passed away peacefully, knowing she had fulfilled her duty.

As the years passed, the young man rose in his career, achieving a senior position in his organization—a feat uncommon for someone his age. His responsibilities grew, as did his pay and perks, and he became affluent. Yet, despite his success, a shadow of melancholy lingered over him.

His wife, noticing his sadness, often asked why he seemed so downcast, but he remained silent. One day, she decided to ask a visiting childhood friend of her husband to coax him into opening up.

As they sat on the verandah after dinner that evening, the friend spoke gently. "I've noticed you seem quite melancholy. Do you want to talk about it?"

The young man’s eyes welled up with tears, and his voice trembled with emotion. "You’re right. I feel this way because I can’t stop thinking about the struggles my mother faced. She sacrificed everything for me, and I could never repay her. Today, she isn’t here to see and enjoy my success. I wish I could share this life with her, show her that all her sacrifices were not in vain."

The friend listened intently, feeling the weight of his friend's words. The young man continued, his voice thick with longing and regret. "I remember the nights she stayed up sewing clothes to earn a little extra money, the times she went without meals so I could eat, the smile she always wore despite her exhaustion. She was my pillar, my guide, and now that she's gone, I feel a void that nothing can fill."

His friend placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, sharing in his grief. "She knew, even if she isn't here now. She knew how much you loved her, and I'm sure she's proud of the man you've become."

The young man nodded, tears flowing freely now, a mixture of sorrow and gratitude. They sat in silence for a while, the air heavy with the bittersweet memories of a mother’s love and its enduring impact on her son’s life.

Learning: Whatever good fortune we have today is only because of the grace of God. As long as we remember that, we won’t be puffed up with ego.