Saturday, July 20, 2024


In a quiet village, there lived a Sadhu who was loved and respected by all. The villagers often sought his guidance and wisdom to help solve their problems and find peace in their lives.

One day, a distraught man came to see him. "Maharaj," he said, his voice choked with emotion, "my wife has passed away, and I have four young children. How will I raise them without their mother? I feel so lost," he lamented, tears streaming down his face.

As the Sadhu comforted the grieving father, another man approached, his face etched with sorrow.

"Maharaj," he began, "my wife died just a few days ago, leaving me with six children. The oldest is twelve, and the youngest is only three months old."

"What should I do? How can I care for them alone?" he cried, his voice filled with desperation.

Just then, a third man, older and burdened by worry, came forward. "Maharaj, I am with my second wife. I have a son from my first marriage, and he is married now."

"My current wife and my daughter-in-law do not get along. They argue incessantly every day."

"I am getting older, and I fear for my wife's future once I am gone," he confessed, his eyes glistening with tears.

The Sadhu listened intently to each man's plight, his heart heavy with their collective pain. Yet, he knew that a single thread of wisdom could bind their troubled hearts together.

Smiling gently, the Sadhu said, "There is one solution common to all your worries: namasmaran."

The men looked at him, hope flickering in their eyes, as they began to understand the profound truth in his words.

Learning: Such is the nature of worry! We often feel overwhelmed because we do not see the greater suffering of others. Once we recognize that others face even more challenging trials, our own burdens may seem lighter.

Friday, July 19, 2024

The test of love

In the dimly lit halls of the nursing home, two women endured the throes of childbirth at the same time. Their cries echoed through the sterile corridors, but only one baby's cry joined them. One child survived, while the other did not.

In the midst of this joy and sorrow, a devastating mix-up occurred. The staff, overwhelmed and disorganized, failed to determine which mother the surviving child belonged to.

Days turned into a suffocating blur of confusion and despair. Both mothers, their hearts aching with hope and fear, demanded their rightful child.

The nurses, desperate to calm the storm, claimed that each woman's baby had died, hoping to buy time. But the mothers, driven by an indescribable bond, refused to accept this heart-wrenching deception. Their cries pierced the silence, a haunting melody of anguish and defiance.

As the situation spiraled out of control, the hospital management turned to the senior-most doctor, a man renowned for his wisdom and compassion. He looked upon the mothers, their faces etched with grief and desperation, and knew he had to devise a way to reveal the truth.

Gathering the women in his office, the doctor presented them with a shocking proposal:

He would give the surviving child to a third woman. Either mother, or both, could choose to live as unpaid servants in the child's new home. This way, they could be near the child, but only one would endure this trial out of true love.

The first woman, her voice trembling with emotion, stepped forward.

"I cannot bear the humiliation of living as a servant," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I will visit when I can, but I cannot live a life of servitude."

The second woman, her heart laid bare, spoke with unwavering resolve.

"I would endure any humiliation, any hardship, to be near my child," she declared, her voice steady despite her tears. "I would gladly spend my life in servitude if it means I can hold my baby in my arms."

The doctor, moved by her selflessness and the depth of her love, gently placed the child in her arms.

"You are the true mother," he whispered, recognizing her sacrifice.

Learning: Our love for God should be as profound and selfless as the love the second woman has for her child. No matter the suffering or humiliation we must bear, it will be worth it if it brings us closer to God!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Forever Grateful

Once upon a time, there was a young boy whose father passed away when he was very young. His family was not well off, and his mother struggled to make ends meet. Despite the hardships, she worked tirelessly as a maid in multiple homes, determined to provide her son with an education. Her hands were often raw and calloused from the work, but her spirit remained unbroken.

One evening, as the mother returned home late, exhausted from a long day, her son met her at the door. "Aai, you must be so tired," he said, his voice filled with concern.

She smiled softly, brushing a hand through his hair. "I'm tired, yes, but seeing you succeed gives me all the strength I need, my son."

Through her relentless efforts, the boy graduated from college and began searching for a job. He was driven by his mother's sacrifices and wanted to make her proud. Soon, he was gainfully employed and eventually got married. Everything seemed to be going well for him.

Seeing her son settled, the mother passed away peacefully, knowing she had fulfilled her duty.

As the years passed, the young man rose in his career, achieving a senior position in his organization—a feat uncommon for someone his age. His responsibilities grew, as did his pay and perks, and he became affluent. Yet, despite his success, a shadow of melancholy lingered over him.

His wife, noticing his sadness, often asked why he seemed so downcast, but he remained silent. One day, she decided to ask a visiting childhood friend of her husband to coax him into opening up.

As they sat on the verandah after dinner that evening, the friend spoke gently. "I've noticed you seem quite melancholy. Do you want to talk about it?"

The young man’s eyes welled up with tears, and his voice trembled with emotion. "You’re right. I feel this way because I can’t stop thinking about the struggles my mother faced. She sacrificed everything for me, and I could never repay her. Today, she isn’t here to see and enjoy my success. I wish I could share this life with her, show her that all her sacrifices were not in vain."

The friend listened intently, feeling the weight of his friend's words. The young man continued, his voice thick with longing and regret. "I remember the nights she stayed up sewing clothes to earn a little extra money, the times she went without meals so I could eat, the smile she always wore despite her exhaustion. She was my pillar, my guide, and now that she's gone, I feel a void that nothing can fill."

His friend placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, sharing in his grief. "She knew, even if she isn't here now. She knew how much you loved her, and I'm sure she's proud of the man you've become."

The young man nodded, tears flowing freely now, a mixture of sorrow and gratitude. They sat in silence for a while, the air heavy with the bittersweet memories of a mother’s love and its enduring impact on her son’s life.

Learning: Whatever good fortune we have today is only because of the grace of God. As long as we remember that, we won’t be puffed up with ego.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Illusion at play

There was once a young man, around twenty years old, who had recently completed his bachelor's degree. His father, well-connected with a few influential people, secured him a stable government job through their influence.

Settled into his job, the young man soon got married. He then bought a life insurance policy, naming his wife as the beneficiary, ensuring her future would be secure.

One day, his father-in-law invited him to visit a revered Sadhu for guidance. Intrigued, the young man agreed to go. During their conversation, the topic of the life insurance policy came up.

The Sadhu, with a calm yet penetrating gaze, asked, "Young man, why have you taken a life insurance policy at such a young age?"

The young man, a bit surprised by the question, replied earnestly, "Life is uncertain, Maharaj. I want to make sure my wife is taken care of if anything happens to me."

The Sadhu nodded thoughtfully, then said, "It is wise to think of your loved ones. But tell me, do you spend any time in namasmaran?"

The young man, feeling slightly defensive, responded, "Swamiji, my whole life is ahead of me. There will be plenty of time in old age to remember Shri Ram."

The sadhu smiled gently, a knowing look in his eyes. He did not say anything further, leaving the young man to ponder the weight of his own words.

As they left, the young man was silent, contemplating the Sadhu's smile and the unspoken wisdom behind it. The realization began to sink in—time is fleeting, and the moment to act is now, not in some distant, uncertain future.

Learning: We often recognize that our time is limited, but we fail to make the best use of it for our benefit. Just as we ensure our family's security in our absence, should we not also seek the spiritual benefits of our human birth through namasmaran?

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Through the illusion

In a bustling city, there lived a man who thrived in the world of trade. For years, he enjoyed the sweet taste of success, his business flourishing with impressive profits. 

But fate can be fickle. When the dreaded recession struck, his once-booming enterprise crumbled. He watched helplessly as his hard-earned wealth vanished, leaving him destitute and broken.

Desperation clawed at him as he tried to salvage what little remained. Each attempt to rebuild ended in crushing failure, pushing him deeper into the abyss of despair. Bankruptcy loomed over him like a dark cloud, and the man found himself on the brink of giving up entirely. Thoughts of ending his life haunted him, a relentless torment that refused to let go.

Far away in Pune, his maternal uncle heard of his plight through concerned relatives. The uncle's heart ached for his nephew, and he penned a letter filled with heartfelt encouragement and wisdom. 

When the man received this letter, he felt a flicker of hope in his darkness. As he read each word, a sense of calm washed over him, soothing his troubled mind. Inspired and determined, he decided to give life another chance. He poured his energy into rebuilding his business, and gradually, the shadows of his struggles began to fade. Years passed, and the man flourished once more. 

Yet, life has a way of testing us. The same uncle who had once been his savior now faced his own dire crisis. He and his son suffered devastating losses in their business, a blow that left them reeling. The uncle, drowning in his sorrow, stumbled upon a worn copy of the letter he had written to his nephew so many years before.

As he read the familiar words, a powerful wave of inspiration surged through him. The letter, which had once brought light to his nephew's darkest days, now rekindled his own spirit. Determined not to succumb to despair, he resolved to fight back. With renewed vigor, he set out to revive his business, just as his nephew had done.

Learnings: We all know the teachings about the nature of God and the world He created. When others face hardship, these teachings often come to mind, reminding us of hope and resilience. 

But in our own darkest hours, this wisdom can seem distant and unreachable, obscured by the illusions of the material world. To see through these illusions and apply this knowledge to our own lives is the goal! The effort to do so lies within us, and it is our responsibility to make it happen.

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Selfish Husband

Once upon a time, there lived a man who had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming flower and as well-behaved as an angel. Her positive nature made her a beacon of joy and happiness to everyone around her.

As she grew older, her father arranged a marriage for her. The groom came from a prosperous family, had a prestigious job, and was highly educated. Her relatives and friends rejoiced, praising her fortune and the promising future that lay ahead.

Years passed, and the girl, now a woman, conceived a child. The news of her pregnancy brought immense joy to her family. However, as the months went by, her health began to falter. Day by day, she grew weaker, her vitality slipping away like sand through her fingers. Despite consulting the best doctors, her condition remained a mystery, and her health continued to decline.

One fateful day, during a visit to a holy temple, she encountered a Sadhu, a wise and compassionate sage. His eyes, filled with kindness, seemed to see through her suffering. "My child," he asked gently, "what troubles you so deeply? Speak your heart, and by the grace of Shri Ram, you shall find solace."

Unable to hold back her tears, the woman sobbed uncontrollably. "Maharaj," she cried, "my husband and in-laws have threatened to disown me if I bear a daughter instead of a son. This fear and anguish are eating away at my soul. I dread the day my child will enter this world, for it may bring my doom."

The Sadhu's eyes softened with understanding. "My dear child," he said with a soothing voice, "do not despair. Shri Ram is compassionate and just. He will bless you with a son, but remember, your husband and in-laws must face the consequences of their cruelty. After all, whether a daughter or a son, the child is a gift from the divine."

With renewed hope, the woman clung to the Sadhu's words. As the months passed, she held onto her faith, praying fervently. Finally, the day of her delivery arrived. With bated breath, her family awaited the news.

By the grace of Shri Ram, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Relief and satisfaction washed over her husband and in-laws, but the Sadhu's words echoed in her mind. She knew that while her immediate fears were assuaged, the deeper issues of their hearts remained unaddressed.

Learning: The tale of the woman's suffering and the Sadhu's wisdom teaches us that human selfishness can lead to unimaginable cruelty. However, divine justice prevails, and those who wrong others must face the repercussions of their actions. True peace and contentment come from selfless devotion and service to the divine. Only by controlling our instinctive nature can we find true fulfillment.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Application of Parayana

Once upon a time, in a serene village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a woman who found immense joy in reading and singing. 

Her devotion was unmatched, having completed 108 parayanas of the sacred Dnyaneshwari. Every verse, every word of the Dnyaneshwari was etched in her heart. She could compose her own padas and devotional songs with ease, and her voice, oh, her voice was like a river of melody that drew people from far and wide to listen to her sing and speak.

One day, a revered Sadhu arrived in the village. 

The woman, eager to receive his blessings, went to seek his darshan. Her heart pounded with anticipation as she approached him, her hands trembling slightly. She humbly requested the Sadhu to listen to one of her padas. With a kind nod, he agreed, and she began to sing.

Her voice soared, filled with raw emotion and devotion. The pada was a heartfelt plea to God:

"O Lord! I am Yours. I offer all that I have at Your feet. You are my master. I will remain as You will keep me. I do not wish for anything else. All that I wish for is to always remember You."

As the final note hung in the air, the Sadhu’s eyes glistened with tears. He gazed at her with a depth of feeling that made her heart skip a beat. "How long have you been singing this pada?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

She swallowed hard, her voice shaky, "It's been over ten years now that I have been performing this pada."

The Sadhu sighed deeply, his words heavy with significance, "You have done enough performances of the pada. Now all that remains is to implement what is written in the pada."

His words struck her like a bolt of lightning. She stood there, stunned, as the realization washed over her. "No one had ever said this to me," she murmured, her eyes wide with newfound understanding.

"Until now, all I have done is sing these devotional songs without acting on any of the teachings," she continued, her voice breaking.

Tears streamed down her face as she declared, "From now on, I will stop these performances and focus my attention on Namasmaran."

Learning: We must indeed deploy the skills that we are blessed with in the service of God. However, we must be cautious that devotion does not fall to the side and only the empty shell of actions remains. As our skills manifest through our mental association with our physical body and this material world, our ego could get inflated if we do not consciously make an effort to remember God.